Saturday, March 14, 2009

Absolute Best Moments #2

I had another "absolute best moment" today with my oldest daughter (who is now FIVE!). During the latter part of the girls' "nap time" (which is turning into quiet time in their room while they color or read) I sat down in the living room with my guitar. I began to play and sing as I sometimes do at home. Mateja emerged from her room and began dancing around behind me whilst looking in the mirror at herself. She was having a grand time. While that was a fun moment, the absolute best moment came shortly thereafter when I changed songs. She came and sat in front of me on the floor. And then she began to sing with me. She was mirroring me. There we were, the two of us: mother and daughter sharing a beautiful song. It was one of the absolute best moments I've had in a long time.
