Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sweet Week

Ah. What a wonderful week and weekend that has just carried me with its passing. Sisters. Blessings. Father. God. Beauty. Music. Lunch dates. Divine. Connected. Cookies. Sisters. Rain. Sick husband - boo, powering through it - hurrah. Sweet things. Trader Joe's. Chatting. Talking. Listening. Music. Rain. Laughter. More laughter. Hot tea. New shoes! Friends. Tears. Laughter. Banana Bread! More laughter. Lists. Worship. Work. Frustrations. Elations. Happy. Sad. Mostly happy. More rain. Cold. More cold. Walks. Dead bird. Laughter. Miscommunication. Prayers. More Laughter. Music.

Candy & cupcakes & plastic & playdough. Grass. Rabbits. Goats. Roosters. Pig. Brief sun shine. Rain. Sons. Daughters. Neighbors. More neighbors. Music. More music. Death. Resurrection. Dye. Eggs and egg salad sandwiches. Daughters. Chipmunks. Hot tea. Loads upon loads of laundry. Sisters. Sighs. Smiles. Marriage. LOVE.
