Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking Forward

This really is me, looking forward...  For such a while now I have been looking forward to not being pregnant anymore.  But now I am looking forward to holding my newest little treasure in my arms.  I am looking forward to being Mommy of a newborn again.  I am looking into my future.  And I look MUCH better than I look right now!  ;)  I am also quite a bit more physically comfortable in my future than I am right now!  Ha!

I am looking toward the future with GREAT expectancy and joy and peace.  I am looking into my future of love ever increasing.  For I am not of those who draw back, but of those who press forward!  And I will be doing that very soon... pushing. Pushing my future into now... Literally, eh?

I am full.  I am joyful.  I am peaceful.  I am full of life!  HA!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010
