Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thinking about... the nations of the world; buying more music by Peter Gabriel; my one year old and Velcro; differences in world views; calling my brother; warding off guilt for not having called him sooner; noodles; when (if ever) do I ditch grains altogether - or just most grains (I LOVE oats)

Also thinking about the rest of today's busy schedule... Asking for wisdom and creativity from the Great One who freely supplies...

Getting tugged on by a toddler!


Friday, March 4, 2011

"B" is for Butterfly. "K" is for King.

"B" - is the second letter in the basic modern Latin alphabet. It is used to represent a variety of bilabial sounds (depending on language), most commonly a voiced bilabial plosive. (see Wikipedia for more).

Butterfly - any of numerous slender-bodied diurnal lepidopteran insects including one superfamily (Papilionoidea) with broad often brightly colored wings and usually another superfamily comprising the skippers (see Merriem-Webster for further description).

"B" is for butterfly.

My preschooler is learning about the letter 'B' & for some reason (I'm still trying to decode this one) it seems as if butterflies are trying to tell me something.  It started when I planned a birthday party using butterflies as the starting point.  Butterflies weren't the theme but that's where I started. Ever since then, they are everywhere. I can't get away from them. I look up and see a butterfly. I turn the page, another butterfly. I kiss my daughter, she says, "butterflies!" I blindly pull out pajamas for the wee one. Butterfly print!  While doing lesson plans for my first grader this week, I came across two different  butterfly references from two different publishers. Science highlighted the life cycle & migration of a butterfly while the reading comprehension lesson detailed nothing other than those same slender bodied insects. So I don't really think the butterflies themselves are trying to communicate something to me. I think my Creator is trying to convey something and right now the symbol He's using is butterflies. It's the glory of God to hide a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. Consider me a 'king'.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

yep, I'm thankful

it's a little thing.
it's a big thing.

I can run up the staircase again.

Yep. I can do it again. And I am so thankful!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

today: a little bit harder

Sometimes I wish I could instantly access greater perspective. Instantly. I guess that comes with a renewed mind. A strong, sound mind. Anyway... I am in the current of what feels like insanity sometimes. I am the mother of three small children and I'm home with them. I home school too which means that I am pretty much always with at least one of my children at a time. Pretty much always. This was our decision as a family. We looked into the future and from that perspective we decided schooling our kids at home was the best decision for our family. Now we live with that decision. Every day. Most days are great. Some days are a little bit harder. Those days I wish I could instantly access the perspective of our futures. Until then, I close my eyes & breathe deeply or leave the room where all the other family members are to have a moment of quiet. Quiet. I just need to type that again: Q.U.I.E.T.  *sigh*  That's in my future somewhere. I'm sure of it. Well, until the future arrives...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


the stream of questions that my children ask me is a constant stream... because i home school, i am with my children constantly. there is no trickle of questions.

within the last 60 seconds: when are they coming? when will they get here? when will it be winter time? and when is ballet?

there is no break from being a parent. it really doesn't matter if you home school or not. the questions will likely come with great frequency. a constant stream, howling wind, torrential rain...

i am thankful that my children think, reason, ask...

i am thankful for patience. ha! i am thankful for my treasures.

may my thanksgiving be a constant stream, howling wind, torrential rain...
