Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reflecting with Daisies

Various websites show the traditional meaning of daisies as signifying purity or innocence. Daisies are durable - survivors. Trample them one season and they come right back the next. They are 'adaptable' . According to a Native American friend, daisy is also slang for 'excellence'. A site giving the meaning of Gerbera daisies cites their meaning as denoting beauty and cheer. Wenda, publisher of brilliant! Canada's online community for women entrepreneurs. Site symbol - Gerbera daisy. [taken from http://wiki.answers.com]

I remember one of my cousins had daisies at her wedding. The symbol of purity, perhaps? I don't think daisies were her flower choice, but somehow they were everywhere. They sure don't smell very great (not like a rose or a lily) but their significance isn't in their scent, I guess.

I snapped these pics of daisies on a jaunt down to the river when the girls and I were at my dad's. They were growing wild alongside the poison oak and wild black berry bushes. I love fields of daisies. They remind me of my days in high school, full of reflection and dreams and hopes. I would sit in the pasture above the house on a lone stump surrounded by daisies and write and dream and write and write and reflect and write some more. Glorious, care-free days.

These days it's a mega-challenge for me to sit and write and reflect and write. Reflecting happens moment by moment throughout my days. Usually my hands are submerged in dishwater or dirty clothes or clean clothes or soap or some sort of cleanser or... they don't usually stop to write my own reflections (even though that was the whole reason I started this blog in the first place! blah).

I was looking through photos of our trip to my dad's and these pics jumped out at me. I woke hours ago and the house is silent still. Thought I would upload these and try to sort some thoughts before making breakfast and getting the girls ready for school.

Currently: still believing for a "breakthrough coming to my house" not at all certain of exactly what that looks like, believing it has to do with me specifically and my marriage. Hoping that I can still be a river. Not a lake/dead sea. Being fairly vulnerable and weak and a bit of a victim and hating each moment of that although it's all too comfy to stay there (as a victim). And so... I thrust myself forward into the land of discomfort because (as I've said many times before) I have THE Comforter. So into discomfort I go, allowing myself to be vulnerable in my Maker's hands, allowing the comfort to come from my Spirit Guide (HS). And learning just how to do that: the allowing. Still. Still learning. Sunday was an amazing day for me. It was the day that I actually felt a shift in the spirit realm. Now. Can I see some of it in the natural realm? OK. I know it's only early Tuesday but Monday was a beast. Ah well. I end this post soon. I know the girls will wake soon and my morning will speed along...

Daisies: Pure, Innocent, Survivors, Excellent, Adaptable, Beautiful, Strong, Cheerful


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