Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Worth the Thirst

I guess I haven't mentioned it in my blog yet, so here goes: I'm pregnant. This is my third pregnancy. This blog entry is about my pregnancy so far.

I haven't written much of anything lately because I have been a very tired woman on the go. No. I correct myself: I have been a very exhausted woman on the go. I also don't really care to post if I haven't got a photo that I would like to attach. I like to read/look at blogs that have photos. So, mine ought to have photos for each post. OK. That was an aside. Back to the exhausted-woman-on-the-go thingy.

I'm just finishing my first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy). If you know anything about pregnancy, it's not uncommon for the pregnant woman to be exhausted during her first trimester. Possible causes: increased levels of progesterone; physical and emotional demands of pregnancy on her body; she is creating a placenta, making more blood and her heart is pumping faster. You can Google it if you need more info. I'm just saying, during the first trimester I'm pretty wiped out. It was like that with my other two pregnancies as well. More so with my first I guess. My sister told me that I would actually fall asleep at my desk (she used to work with me, so I guess she would know). I don't actually have any memories of that.

Anyway, we are nearing the end of this trimester and I'm really looking forward to getting some energy and "pep" back. The nausea is subsiding. It has plagued me daily for a good five weeks or so which really is not bad. Not bad at all. That too – the nausea bit – is another norm for pregnant women in their first trimester. "Morning sickness" tends to linger far past morning though. I experienced that too with my other pregnancies. It was never horrible though. Thank GOD! I know a lot of women who experience the whole vomiting aspect of it and I envy them not. I did have a spell over the toilet a few days ago. Ever since then I have actually been feeling really good in the nausea department.

But here is the new thing. I really don't remember experiencing this with either of my last two pregnancies: I am so flipping thirsty. I am drinking so much water right now that my gut is expanding toward month five. OK. I realize that probably didn't make much sense. What I mean is this, I'm drinking so much water, that my stomach is so full it looks as if I'm five months pregnant. No joke. It's weird and kind of gross at the same time. And I am FULL but still sooooo thirsty. So I have to drink more in order to quench the thirst but MAN alive! I look like I'm about to pop! So I should confess that while I currently look as though I’m about to pop, most of the time I do not. I am still thirsty though. Today my mid-wife told me that I could easily drink 3-4 liters daily. Holy. Moly. LITERS?

Regardless of how much I drink though, I tell you what: I am thirsty. Thirst has been my companion. She usually comes around in the evening (perhaps to tell me how much I haven’t been drinking during the day?) and follows me around till bed time. I then am up SEVERAL times every night visiting the toilet to relieve my bladder. It’s quite the cycle these days. I had forgotten how frequently a pregnant woman must rise each night just to go to the toilet. Honestly I don’t remember having to do it this frequently during the first trimester though. I don’t remember ever being so thirsty either!

Ah well. New life is worth the thirst, eh?

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