Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Quiet Time Today

I'm sitting in my bed avoiding a nap. It's not that I don't WANT a nap or even need one (been up since 2am) but there's something about sleeping or resting during the daylight that makes me feel lazy (and that's a very negative thing, by the way). I'm sure it stems from childhood. I have vague memories of Dad saying something about lazy kids and associating it with down time during daylight. We should be outside hacking away with the weed eater or sorting the recycling or cleaning the car or feeding the dog or shoveling a ditch or loading fire wood or... DAYLIGHT! It's for chores. Yeah, something like all of that.

It's my quiet time right now. The kids are in bed. Hallelujah. We flew in from Texas this morning. Thus the reason I was up since 2am. The kids too. And the hubby. Crazy thing: we landed this morning & drove him straight to the office. He jumped in with both feet. I actually think it's his own little escape. He's away from the kids now for the first time in a week & a half.

During this quiet time I certainly feel like I should be DOING. The age ol' debate leaps into the forefront of my mind: BEING vs. DOING. Oh be quiet. I tell my mind that a lot actually. Hush! And onto the next thing...

I think I'll close this laptop and just... ignore the daylight for a bit.

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