Friday, January 2, 2009

Post-Christmas Down Time

After Christmas comes New Years of course and the celebrations and time off the norm schedule. It's "down time" but it seems filled with more stuff to do... like now it's time for the decor to come down. Today I have spent a great deal of time taking ornaments from the tree, wrapping them & stowing them but even more time unwinding the five strands of lights from around our once live tree. That's the thing about Christmas trees... they live a short life. They bring me so much happiness until then... Maybe one of these days I'll be able to buy a Christmas tree in a planter and then I can just transport it from outside to inside during the season and back out again... I know that false trees are all the rage, but I'm a mountain girl. It's like mockery. Not saying that I won't ever give into purchasing a false tree, but... there's got to be a better way.

Anyhow... the girls are down for their naps. Our tree is bare once again. Beautiful but no longer living. Sad. I'm taking a break before launching into the next phase of my "down time" which will include a broom, dust pan, vacuum and a lot of calorie burning. I guess that's a bonus.

The house is quiet right now, well other than the sound of the ticking clock and my fingers hitting the keys.

~~ deep breath ~~ long pause ~~

God is for me.

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