Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Productivity = Happiness (???)

So both girls are in school twice a week these days. You know this. And I really thought I would have some time to myself and get to be very productive & enjoying my productivity alone. Productivity makes me very happy. I've been looking forward to this for a while now, right? So my first day alone was glorious. I tasted solitude @ Target & managed to be very productive and, as a result, quite happy by the time I had to lift Ari from preschool. Well, pretty much every Tues/Thurs since then, yup, I've been working my behind off purging and packing getting us ready for a move. Productivity has been the order but... I haven't been as happy as I would like. Maybe a bit stressed? Hmmm... Today was an exception though, I have to say. I think it's God's way of looking out for me honestly. He adores me, ya know. Story follows:

OK. So somehow over the weekend we managed to misplace the spare (and only) key to our second car (which is actually my sister's car on loan to us whilst she's out of the country for this year). Since we haven't been able to locate the key, we're back to being a one-car family. That means I was taxi-driver again this morning. As taxi driver my duties on a school day include dropping the girls at school by 9am then dropping Nathan shortly after that to his office. Today we had a 9:30 appointment to see a house in Santa Clara. Fine. See the house, then drop Nathan, then head home to enjoy a few hours to myself in solitude. Not so. While we were on our way to the 9:30 appointment he scheduled another appointment at 10am and then another at noon which followed his 11o'clock meeting and one more after that. Needless to say, my morning was shot. I had the hour from 11 till noon for myself. I had to decide what to do. Head home & get about 30 minutes of work done or… stay on the Row (near his job site) and shoot the breeze for an hour or WHAT? And wouldn't you know it; I had no book, no calendar, no clipboard with me no nothing to be productive with… So! I chose to just be. I headed to Peets for a warm chai latte, sat in the sun sipping away and then meandered over to Sur la Table (such a fabulous store for the foodie in me) to dream about all variety of ramekins and bamboo cutting boards. I found a bench outside bathing in the sun and decided to befriend it. I sat there and called my Dad. Then it was time to for the next appointment.

What a glorious hour that was from 11am-12noon. Not very productive according to my standards but it did produce a happy Me. There's something to consider certainly. What does productivity look like anyway, Marina?

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