Monday, January 5, 2009

Reasons for doing a jig

~ deep breath ~

Tomorrow my littlest starts pre-school ~ I italicized it only because, really... what IS pre-school? Other than the obvious (it's before real school) it's sort of like glorified day-care. Oh anyway, let me not get started down that path.

I'm writing during the usual time: NAP-time. MY time. I really try to make a point NOT to run around like a maniac doing the house-hold chores during their naps. This is "MY" time. It makes my mind think that I really DO have time that is only mine. It's not truth exactly but it FEELS like it is so... maybe it is? Actually, truth is perception. So, I PERCEIVE this is "my" time. (my GOD, I'm sounding like a psych student right now - David, are you reading this???)

ANYWAY!!! The whole point of sitting down to write THIS particular blog is to help my own self remember the days BEFORE my girls were both in "school" & think about the fact that I'm down-right happy that they WILL be in school.

House-hold chores are done around & with the girls, during their waking hours these days. When they were younger I DID do the chores whilst they were sleeping. Thankfully they grow and that means they grow out of those phases of completely destroying the thing(s) you JUST mended or folded (laundry) or cleaned (the bookshelf) or swept (kitchen floor) or... the list goes ON and on and on. That could be reason number one for jig on grand scale.

Now-a-days they play together very well, Hallelujah! Yet another jig-reason.

They also help with household duties. They both clear their places once they've finished a meal (LOVE that!) and are getting better at making their own beds, putting their own clothes away, putting their toys in specified areas, etc. To her credit, Mateja has actually been great at all of these things for a couple of years now. Getting BOTH children to these things simultaneously is cause for a jig on my part. Can't kick quite as high as perhaps I used to BUT as long as I continue with my stretching (a.k.a. yoga) I'll continue dancing jigs in celebration of these great feats my girls are accomplishing.

School for the littlest really means I'll get eight hours of "my own time" every single week. That's reason to do a jig right now!

I have to go back to the statement "they grow and that means they grow out of those phases" in order to reflect & remind myself of the days before school was part of our lives. They DO grow out of those phases: of just learning to crawl or walk, of learning to communicate, say words, laugh at the tiny things; of being teenie tiny wonderful babies. I guess that's when they start doing the jig - cuz then they can actually dance! And my girls do just that.

I miss the babies my girls used to be and the toddlers too. Now they are both considered "pre-schoolers" and then they'll be school-age. So whilst I am gettin' jiggy over here on the Pons' Court thinking about my own time upcoming, I'm remembering the days not that long ago when they were itty bitty and couldn't quite dance yet.

Just thinking about them that little makes me wanna...

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