Monday, February 2, 2009

The "TO DO" List

I know there are gobs of ideas about "to do" lists. And there are gobs of different kinds out there. There are loads of folks who loathe them and just as many who live by them. I guess I fall somewhere in between. Because of my personality I lean toward keeping daily lists. They keep me focused and (frankly) I love to write them out & organize the list. Having WORD surely makes this task easier. The task of actually organizing my "to do" list doesn't usually end up on the list because if it did I would feel like a moron and then feel guilty about having such a detailed personality (because it can be a waste of time). I'm that person who makes a plan to plan; or in this case, makes a list to make a list.

So last night (actually it was quite early this morning) I sat on the couch, laptop on my LAP and wrote out my list for today. And then I reorganized it into categories (I won't bore you with the details). I felt quite accomplished, productive and - happy!

Then I woke up this morning and began the rush of a Monday. I really do have to get up and get going otherwise it's easy to get distracted. That's also why I like to have my lists. They keep me focused. I began busy, mindless work (you know, like unloading dishwasher) which doesn't require much focus. It's routine. Then it happened. I got distracted in the bedroom and then the bathroom and then I was back in the kitchen and found myself in the front room and then back in the bedroom to turn off the lights but then had to finish what I was doing in there and the! AAAAAaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Quick! Pull up the "TO DO List" before I get totally spun out.

I rushed to the laptop & opened up my list. I began reading it, crossing some things off that I had already done in my distractions and then... became very overwhelmed at the magnitude of the list. Why do I do this to myself? Ah well, I suppose I'm not the only one. Nothing new under the sun, right?

Blogging wasn't part of the list, but... it helps me get RE-focused. So now it's back to the list. Focus. Focus. Focus.

1 comment:

  1. i m laughing right now!!! I have the most vivid visual EVER!! I am also quite tipsy. hehehe. You would laugh right now. Dont' be fooled, rice wine is heck of potent. But back to you right. I lovethis blog because it is SO YOU!! and I love you and your over planning/analyzing. i appreciate it and can empathise. You shouldsee the stack of to do lists piling upi on my desk and it seems the only one i have managed to accomplish is reading a chapter a day out of my two new books. meanwhile i still haven't called dad and the dishes are piling up again. hahaha!!!

