Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Symbol of the Wedding Ring

My husband came home from work for a late lunch today (we live close enough for him to do that - yay!). I had just put the girls down for their naps. The house was quiet. I was resting on my bed with faithful laptop going through emails. My Lover entered the room and said “you look pretty today.” That made my day - I'm not even wearing makeup today. “Really?” And that was BEFORE I found my wedding ring! Yay!!! I found it!

I lost my wedding ring last year in February just before I went to India (with Michelle B. and Ted H.). You can read little journal snippets of my time in India here. I actually went to India planning to purchase a gold ring to wear as my wedding ring. I found one and purchased it and wore it from then until I ended up finding my wedding ring shortly after arriving back in the states. This year I lost it on Easter. That was weeks ago by now. I didn't sense that it was gone forever but I didn't have any leads as to where it could be. I kept thinking if it was still here it would show up. I was a little disappointed that it was taking so long. Anyway... a few days ago I saw Michelle B. She told me she'd had a dream about me and in the dream I was getting married. She didn't have time to elaborate. I'm still waiting to hear details. She then called me yesterday, out of the blue for something unrelated (so I thought) and I told her I'd call her back today to let her know my answer on the matter. I called her today with my answer. As soon as I had hung up the phone my eyes landed on my wedding ring.

Now that is some kind of crazy symbolism happening in my life right now... and I have a feeling that her dream was related somehow and so is the matter she was calling me about... I suppose it's unfolding even now...

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