Sunday, August 22, 2010

Greatly Loved

I lived an incredible day today. I experienced love. I felt love today. I sensed it. Acceptance. Strength. Safety. Desire. Covering. Loyalty. Appreciation. Encouragement. Needed. Valued. Truth. Lies displaced. Beauty. Tears. Laughter. Peace. Joy.

Just to hear it... choose to believe it.

Thank you friends/family/sisters.  I am loved by you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I home school. I like order. I like productivity. I like action. I like structure. Today all structure is struggle. By 11am everything was in pieces. Not orderly, productively, actively, structurally working together - at all. I kind of don't like today right now. It's 11:21am. At least I have hope. Whether or not things return to structure or productivity, I can choose to like them. Well... I don't really like the pools of spit that one of my children deposited for me (to prove a point). I don't really care for the stacks of books and paper at my feet or the torn wall hanging or the crevice in the table that my other child left for me... but I can get over all of that. I have to, in fact. Put the pieces back together... or just walk around them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

She has gone.

My sister has gone.  She is on her way to the airport even now.  I have a sad six year old in my home.  I too am sad to see my sister go.  It was a wonderful time.  And now it is gone.  I have only the memories (impromptu viewing of Salt in the cinema) complimented by a few photos (like Freddos on Fridays) and some beautifully colored furniture.  Everyone should have a sister that is a FRIEND.  She is one of my best friends.  I don't know when I will see her again, talk to her again, squeeze her again, laugh with her again, drink a creamy-cold-coffee-drink with her again or cry with her again, but... again.  It shall all happen again.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


lots of thoughts... all the time.  For some reason my thinking evades me as soon as I sit down to type.  Why is this?  Feeling quite tired this evening and really should be resting.  I know that I have pockets of time when I know how to do this (rest) well and then there are all of the other times.  I have company coming over tonight.  It was rather impromptu so I haven't put a lot of planning into it and I haven't cleaned my house at all.  I am trying to take it in stride.  I am looking forward to seeing our friends who live too far away but are in the area today.  I must away to the kitchen to prep dinner.  Perhaps I will get a few of the dishes washed before they get here.  Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thinking of Baby Girl Tonight

Today we received a package on the stoop.  The girls were thrilled to squeals/screams when I told them the package was from Grammy Di (all the way from Thailand!)  They tore into the package with gusto.  Out rolled four dresses all from Mom's recent trip to Bali.  Four.  One for my oldest princess.  One for my second princess.  One for me.  One for baby.  It's the first gift specifically for this little girl that has arrived.  It's kind of weirding me out... not in a bad way.  Oh no.  It's all good.  It's all very... surreal.  I have been working so hard these past several weeks (with GREAT assistance from my sister) to get things ready before this next little princess arrives that I haven't really thought much about who she is, who she will be.  And now she has a beautiful yellow dress from Bali.  I need to get her closet ready.
