Monday, November 2, 2009

the time goes...

There have been so many things in my mind these days as well as so many things scheduled on my calendar. I leave for China and South East Asia in just over two weeks. Why is there always so much to do when traveling over seas?
I have felt the need to write...

This has been an interesting season for me/for our family. I have one child in preschool two days a week and I'm homeschooling the other one. It has been fun and challenging for reasons that people don't ever guess when I'm answering the questions that come at me. The challenges don't have as much to do with homeschooling itself as they have to do with my own schedule. I am not only teacher (which does mean that I have to make lesson plans and "grade papers" as well as actually do some teaching - heh heh) but I am also a student. And while I AM a student through out this homeschooling journey, I'm not referring to that. I'm actually a student right now! I'm attending the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. I love all of it. I love the learning curve. I love the challenge of being student again and having to schedule time to do HOMEWORK my own self. Reading, reading, reading... I also lead one of the student groups within the school. That is a wonderful honor and privilege. And then of course, I'm wife and Momma. And I won't even go into all of that right now. I'm also leading the women's band/worship team at our church. I have weekly meetings as well as weekly rehearsals in addition to our monthly meetings. I'm also part of a very small women's group that meets twice a month. I LOVE this little group - they are such a great sounding board for me and support system. I also decided recently that I should volunteer to create sixty Christmas cards to raise money for the Outreach Center. And then of course I am wife and I am Momma. Nothing that needs to be elaborated upon there. And then I'm planning this trip to Asia for me and my Dad. I'm super excited about that and have had a LOT on my plate with the planning of that trip as well as tying up loose ends for my three family members who live there. Anyway... there are the other things but I don't need to go into any of that either. There have been moments of being completely overwhelmed. Interestingly enough I haven't had many break downs. yahoo! I have just had to spend more time praying, meditating and resting in the presence of the Creator of the Universe.

I don't know all that 2010 will bring. I KNOW there is more to come and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not going to go into any of that right now. (surprise, surprise) It's time to get back to homework. More reading to do!

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