Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's New With You?

Do you ever have so much on your mind that when someone asks "what's up?" or "what's new with you?" that you have no idea where to even start? That happened to me last night. And before I even knew what was going on I was sharing all kinds of tid-bits about my life right now with a stranger... oh brother. It was certainly TMI from my stand point. Ah well... I hope I learned a lesson there. Oh so much to do! And yet I write. Somehow it's a release for me. I wish I had some great story to share right now, some great little tid bit of an experience that wisdom could be gleaned from. Hmmm... I must go create more Christmas cards and tend to the first born child who persists with, "Mommy. Mommy! Momma. Momma. Mommy. Mommy!!!"


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