Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day...

Last day of the year.  Good day to post!  Reflecting on 2009: it was a GREAT year for me and my little family.  I am looking forward to 2010 because there's more and better to come.  Yay!  Loved 2009.  Gonna love 2010.  Let's celebrate!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In Love

Tonight I am wrapping presents. I am thinking about how much I am feeling truly in love with my husband (again - yay!) and I'm thinking we should have more kids. I am also thinking about how much I think Meryl Streep is my favorite actress. Truly. I'm also thinking about calling my friend tomorrow morning and taking her offer to keep my kids for a few hours on Wednesday morning. Mmmmm....

My rear end hurts from being sat on for so many hours. I still have so much wrapping to do. If I weren't so anal about it (and believe me, I have relaxed TREMENDOUSLY) I would probably be done by now. Oh well. I won't wrap anymore tonight. Instead I type and listen to a three part series on the Discovery Channel about the life of Jesus and my butt begins to numb. That's probably TMI. Sorry.

OK. I really ought to go to bed next to the man that I'm in love with. Oh I'm so happy to be married to him! I think of him and those feelings categorized as butterflies start fluttering around. It's so weird. This used to happen when we were dating and first married. It's been a while sine I've felt anything like this. We'll be celebrating seven years of marriage in 2010 so to be having these fresh "feelings" again is... it's kinda cool. Actually, it's totally cool! ~ Sigh ~ I'm in love...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What a Mighty Good Man

Ever have one of those days when it feels like you're running all day long? That was me today. And now here I sit with feet propped (sortta), Rivera's music playing, tree lights glistening and the girls in bed. ~ sigh ~ Enjoyment. A running day makes for even greater appreciation of the down times that appear in my life.

I had a very gushy moment late this afternoon whilst grabbing a decaf Peets along with my first bite of the day: a fruit and nut scone (if you have never had one from Peets, I tell ya, you are MISSING out). I had just come from a hair appointment that was arranged by my husband. I stood at the bar sipped my coffee and thanked God for my husband. What a man! What a mighty good man. We've had six plus years of marriage so far full of ups and downs, certainties and uncertainties, happy days, angry days, sad days, ecstatic days. He has surprised me and disappointed me. He has hurt me and helped me. And today knowing all that we've been through together I didn't even weigh it out, there is no scale. All I could think was: What a Mighty Good Man!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunk into a Funk but Coming Out

I am home. It is Wednesday night. I arrived Monday morning. I can hardly believe three days have come and gone for me here. I arrived on a high and have sunk into a low... jet-lag sucks. I was really optimistic coming home that I would be untouched by the lag and be able to swing back into life as normal. Maybe that's the issue. Life as normal. "Back to Life, back to Reality"

My full-time job has resumed. House-wife. Mother of two. I will have to pull out my journal from the amazing time away & reflect & remember the moments that spurred desire to return. I was so happy to be coming home to my treasures in life: husband and children. I guess I am missing my hubby since he's working late each night this week and I still have two more full days before the weekend arrives. Ah well... I can handle a week. I can DO it (I mean, it's already more than half over!).

Especially since we have a Christmas tree in the house. Lights manifested themselves last night and the girls decorated as much of the tree as they could reach. It's a bit bottom-heavy. But it's lovely. I do love Christmas trees. Yes. I do. My five year old says to me, "Mama, you're the one who loves trees the most in the whole family, right? Why do you love them so much? Is it cuz they are so beautiful?" How can that NOT cause happiness and smiley goo to just ooze out of me?

And my husband. He is a treasure. I just love him. He is a special treat in my life.

Why am in a funk? Ah - sometimes just to write a reminder to self: life is good.
