Saturday, May 29, 2010

Longest Day of My Life

My husband has been out of town for work the last few days.  The home dynamics are so different and interesting when he is not here.  I will say this, the kids go to bed earlier!  Today was a great day with my little treasures.  I am so glad to be able to write that.  It was interesting to me though, the day just dragged on and on and on... I'm not sure why!  We did so many different things today.  It was a very full day for all three of us going from one activity or project or diversion to the next.  We even cleaned up after each project (incredible) and managed to get a walk in, bike riding sessions, movies, grocery store, park time, a trip down town PLUS some homework (not to mention all the things we did at home)... it was one of the longest days of my life! (to use one of Nathan's favorite phrases)  And it's well after 1am and I am still awake which is totally ridiculous because the girls will be up soon I am sure... well, soon enough.  I am still not finished with the laundry, but it's time to quit that, move onto writing this blog (while listening to Jai Ho) and then shut my eyes.  And tomorrow (Saturday) is ALSO a full day because of the number of things I already have scheduled and the number of things I need to get accomplished before my husband and I head out of town on Sunday morning.  Wowza...
We are celebrating our anniversary thus the reason we're leaving. I am really looking forward to getting away with the man who loves me, who still makes me laugh and who works very hard to care for his family. I just love him! Todavia.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


a bit of a heavy ~ another friend of ours tried to kill herself...  I hate suicide.  I do understand it having  attempted to kill my own self when I was in college.  Like I said: a bit of a heavy.  It's what I'm thinking about right now and so I write...

Hope.  It does exist.  Ask me.

May encounters with HOPE be released in this planet.  Be released!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maya Jewel

I spent a good deal of time "chatting" with my brother and then my mother and my sister this evening.  They all live in Asia.  Sounds like my brother and his wife and daughter are heading back to the states for a few months.  There are several factors as to the reasons why.  My summation: political unrest coupled with his wife being pregnant in her third trimester.  Time to come home and have a baby.  So they'll be here SOON!  I am looking forward to seeing them, especially my niece!  What a doll!  I haven't told my girls yet but boy will they be happy!  Cousin time.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Break Time - a blog to clear my head

I'm currently sitting in my kitchen nook attempting to parent (from a distance while the girls run around in the living room) and do research/study for a class that I am teaching tomorrow night entitled: "The Deep."  I guess I'm taking a little break.  My mind is on sooo many things other than the DEEP...  this blog is about things on my mind right now.

According to DEEP (as a noun) is defined as:
the deep part of a body of water, esp. an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 ft. (5400 m); a vast extent, as of space or time; the part of greatest intensity, as of winter.

...the part of greatest intensity...  hmmm...
thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts...  BSSM homework; catching up to do; home school lesson plans to do (I am loving Confessions of a Homeschooler); financial paperwork for Mom to do; financial issues for my sister to do; readying ourselves for a trip to SF today for Ari's bday; teaching this Deep class tomorrow night; my anniversary plans (we're celebrating SEVEN years in a couple of weeks!); laundry; dishes; being pregnant; finding a name for newest family member; making lunch for the kids; other family issues; getting warm...  my toes are quite cold.

Other thoughts:
I like these recent pictures of us/me from Jorge & Hasina's wedding:

And other thoughts: I think I would like to make crepes (maybe for lunch with some spinach).  I just ran across a crepe recipe on some scratch paper that the girls and I were using to do some painting this morning.  It's from  The Pampered Chef Cooking for Two & More cookbook.  I have never made crepes before.  When I was in grade school I would sleep over at a friend's home.  One of the greatest expectations sleeping at her home was the inevitable crepes the following morning.  Her mom served them with peanut butter and Karo syrup.  I can hardly believe I ate that now that I think of it but MAN I loved them!
OK.  Enough for now... I need to get warm, do some laundry, make some lunch and get back to work.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sweet Baby Love

There's always more to say than I generally have time for... probably the reason posts are infrequent. I realize this has potential to change. I am that agent of change.

Currently my husband is downstairs making breakfast for a friend who will be arriving to shower forth congratulations. We haven't seen him for about a year. It will be good to see him.

Currently my first born child is at a friend's home. She slept over last night. A mark of growth.

Currently my second born is SLEEPING. A mark of the miraculous that is still VERY much alive and well in the earth today.

Currently my unborn child is moving around inutero. And is yet unnamed. We found out yesterday that this beautiful, healthy (very, perfectly healthy) unborn child is a girl.

It was quite a shock to my husband and to my first born. A tad disappointing perhaps? My second born was thrilled. Ecstatic. Joyful. Delighted. I am so very well pleased, of course.

I feel like I'm falling in love - again. It's such a beautiful feeling - so worth a post - to know I will have another daughter. My husband has launched into the world of baby name searching. We didn't have a single girl's name picked out. Not a single one. Unless you consider the one boy's name we had talked about liking that could also be a girl's name (and we DO like it for a girl's name). I'm all about names and their meanings. My other two girls were named via meaning first. The perfect, fabulous names came secondly.

So now... who is this little girl? What will she be like? What do I feel when I think of this little angel, this little treasure inside?

Maybe we ought to call her Love. Sweet Baby Love.
