Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday Morning Tease

Saturday morning. Children on the couch next to me are watching old Sing-Alongs. Decaf coffee, instant oatmeal peppered with chopped apricots is my breakfast. Leftover camp food. The smell of dish soap wafts from the kitchen: hubby is washing dishes! I continue my curriculum search. School starts in four weeks; much earlier than I had anticipated. I am pretty excited about it though - we have guidance and have decided to enroll our first grader in a charter school. I can't even begin to go into the breadth and depth of what this means and how long this decision has taken us to make, how we have poured over it (OK I’ve done most of the pouring) and the implications for our family... so I won't. Look, I'm done.

My sister will be back shortly from a morning of helping our grandmother with her to-do list. And then it’s the continuation of my to-do list, unless we bail and purchase cinema tickets to see Salt. Wouldn’t THAT be fun and out of my norm. Perhaps we should give it a go…

The painting projects are nearing completion. Well, maybe they’re simply getting further away from inception. Regardless, I am full of hope that these projects will be finished by the time my sister heads back home. This is a good thing a very, very good thing.
btw - sister returned. we purchased Salt tix & bailed on more painting.  Thoroughly enjoyed the cinema as only the two of us could as a couple (got EXCELLANT seats too) and then had very salty pretzels.  Couldn't end the day without SOME sort of producing so purchased needed supplies for the school room.  She headed to a party and I painted into the wee hours of the morning with my hubby.  Grand, grand, grand!

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