Thursday, November 25, 2010

yep, I'm thankful

it's a little thing.
it's a big thing.

I can run up the staircase again.

Yep. I can do it again. And I am so thankful!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

today: a little bit harder

Sometimes I wish I could instantly access greater perspective. Instantly. I guess that comes with a renewed mind. A strong, sound mind. Anyway... I am in the current of what feels like insanity sometimes. I am the mother of three small children and I'm home with them. I home school too which means that I am pretty much always with at least one of my children at a time. Pretty much always. This was our decision as a family. We looked into the future and from that perspective we decided schooling our kids at home was the best decision for our family. Now we live with that decision. Every day. Most days are great. Some days are a little bit harder. Those days I wish I could instantly access the perspective of our futures. Until then, I close my eyes & breathe deeply or leave the room where all the other family members are to have a moment of quiet. Quiet. I just need to type that again: Q.U.I.E.T.  *sigh*  That's in my future somewhere. I'm sure of it. Well, until the future arrives...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


the stream of questions that my children ask me is a constant stream... because i home school, i am with my children constantly. there is no trickle of questions.

within the last 60 seconds: when are they coming? when will they get here? when will it be winter time? and when is ballet?

there is no break from being a parent. it really doesn't matter if you home school or not. the questions will likely come with great frequency. a constant stream, howling wind, torrential rain...

i am thankful that my children think, reason, ask...

i am thankful for patience. ha! i am thankful for my treasures.

may my thanksgiving be a constant stream, howling wind, torrential rain...

Friday, October 29, 2010


I know I've mentioned it before. I have an incredibly talented family. Many of my aunts, uncles and cousins are very talented artists, musicians, photographers, painters, athletes, film makers, interior decorators, sculptors, designers, etc. One of my extremely talented cousins (I think she fits into 90% of the catergories listed above) was in town very recently and offered to do a photo shoot of our newest family member. I MUST share her link with you! Do check her site (click here) and if you are so inclined, send her an email and book her to do a photo shoot for you or someone you know! You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

my new life

Here I am at my desk.  The newest season of my life/our lives has begun.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sweet Little Bird

my view this afternoon... birds from the cieling. my baby is here. my sweet little bird.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking Forward

This really is me, looking forward...  For such a while now I have been looking forward to not being pregnant anymore.  But now I am looking forward to holding my newest little treasure in my arms.  I am looking forward to being Mommy of a newborn again.  I am looking into my future.  And I look MUCH better than I look right now!  ;)  I am also quite a bit more physically comfortable in my future than I am right now!  Ha!

I am looking toward the future with GREAT expectancy and joy and peace.  I am looking into my future of love ever increasing.  For I am not of those who draw back, but of those who press forward!  And I will be doing that very soon... pushing. Pushing my future into now... Literally, eh?

I am full.  I am joyful.  I am peaceful.  I am full of life!  HA!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Greatly Loved

I lived an incredible day today. I experienced love. I felt love today. I sensed it. Acceptance. Strength. Safety. Desire. Covering. Loyalty. Appreciation. Encouragement. Needed. Valued. Truth. Lies displaced. Beauty. Tears. Laughter. Peace. Joy.

Just to hear it... choose to believe it.

Thank you friends/family/sisters.  I am loved by you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I home school. I like order. I like productivity. I like action. I like structure. Today all structure is struggle. By 11am everything was in pieces. Not orderly, productively, actively, structurally working together - at all. I kind of don't like today right now. It's 11:21am. At least I have hope. Whether or not things return to structure or productivity, I can choose to like them. Well... I don't really like the pools of spit that one of my children deposited for me (to prove a point). I don't really care for the stacks of books and paper at my feet or the torn wall hanging or the crevice in the table that my other child left for me... but I can get over all of that. I have to, in fact. Put the pieces back together... or just walk around them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

She has gone.

My sister has gone.  She is on her way to the airport even now.  I have a sad six year old in my home.  I too am sad to see my sister go.  It was a wonderful time.  And now it is gone.  I have only the memories (impromptu viewing of Salt in the cinema) complimented by a few photos (like Freddos on Fridays) and some beautifully colored furniture.  Everyone should have a sister that is a FRIEND.  She is one of my best friends.  I don't know when I will see her again, talk to her again, squeeze her again, laugh with her again, drink a creamy-cold-coffee-drink with her again or cry with her again, but... again.  It shall all happen again.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


lots of thoughts... all the time.  For some reason my thinking evades me as soon as I sit down to type.  Why is this?  Feeling quite tired this evening and really should be resting.  I know that I have pockets of time when I know how to do this (rest) well and then there are all of the other times.  I have company coming over tonight.  It was rather impromptu so I haven't put a lot of planning into it and I haven't cleaned my house at all.  I am trying to take it in stride.  I am looking forward to seeing our friends who live too far away but are in the area today.  I must away to the kitchen to prep dinner.  Perhaps I will get a few of the dishes washed before they get here.  Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thinking of Baby Girl Tonight

Today we received a package on the stoop.  The girls were thrilled to squeals/screams when I told them the package was from Grammy Di (all the way from Thailand!)  They tore into the package with gusto.  Out rolled four dresses all from Mom's recent trip to Bali.  Four.  One for my oldest princess.  One for my second princess.  One for me.  One for baby.  It's the first gift specifically for this little girl that has arrived.  It's kind of weirding me out... not in a bad way.  Oh no.  It's all good.  It's all very... surreal.  I have been working so hard these past several weeks (with GREAT assistance from my sister) to get things ready before this next little princess arrives that I haven't really thought much about who she is, who she will be.  And now she has a beautiful yellow dress from Bali.  I need to get her closet ready.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday Morning Tease

Saturday morning. Children on the couch next to me are watching old Sing-Alongs. Decaf coffee, instant oatmeal peppered with chopped apricots is my breakfast. Leftover camp food. The smell of dish soap wafts from the kitchen: hubby is washing dishes! I continue my curriculum search. School starts in four weeks; much earlier than I had anticipated. I am pretty excited about it though - we have guidance and have decided to enroll our first grader in a charter school. I can't even begin to go into the breadth and depth of what this means and how long this decision has taken us to make, how we have poured over it (OK I’ve done most of the pouring) and the implications for our family... so I won't. Look, I'm done.

My sister will be back shortly from a morning of helping our grandmother with her to-do list. And then it’s the continuation of my to-do list, unless we bail and purchase cinema tickets to see Salt. Wouldn’t THAT be fun and out of my norm. Perhaps we should give it a go…

The painting projects are nearing completion. Well, maybe they’re simply getting further away from inception. Regardless, I am full of hope that these projects will be finished by the time my sister heads back home. This is a good thing a very, very good thing.
btw - sister returned. we purchased Salt tix & bailed on more painting.  Thoroughly enjoyed the cinema as only the two of us could as a couple (got EXCELLANT seats too) and then had very salty pretzels.  Couldn't end the day without SOME sort of producing so purchased needed supplies for the school room.  She headed to a party and I painted into the wee hours of the morning with my hubby.  Grand, grand, grand!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sooo Pregnant

That's pretty much how I feel right now.  Soooo pregnant.  And it really is wrapped up in feeling for me right now.  Exhaustion.  Moodiness.  Odd unexplainable pains.  Swollen feet mid-day that don't fit into the shoes I wore out of the house (although having swollen feet is more than a feeling).  It's kind of unpleasant.  I am not one to jump on the complaining boat, so... I guess I won't.

I actually really enjoy being pregnant.  Most days and most of the time on those days.  These past couple of days: not so much.  I have ten weeks to go.  There are still lots of things to busy myself with during those weeks to prepare for this baby.

I am hoping my husband will get home soon.  And maybe I will "feel" loved and lovely and not sooo pregnant.  Maybe.  Or maybe I ought to pour myself a glass of ice cold sparkling water.  Maybe then I will feel better.  Not sure how my husband and a glass of ice cold sparkling water are in the running against each other there...  I'm soooo pregnant right now.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

She is here!

Her flight arrived last night. My sister made it from "good ol' Chiner" (as she would say). She is here with me and the girls. We are relaxing, enjoying each other's company and the warm weather. We made waffles. We swam in the pool. We are eating waffles again and learning Chinese (Mandarin) words. We are all very happy that she is here. Her luggage didn't arrive with her. I think it stayed in Hong Kong but it should be arriving here at the house SOON (maybe this evening). Perhaps then we will venture out. In the mean time we are enjoying being home.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Journal Entry 20100628AM

It's morning still (barely) and I find that I'm reading about the conventional approach to water protection (don't ask me why right now, OK?), listening to my daughters fuss at each other, needing to do some shopping for upcoming camping trip, trying to figure out which flight my sister is arriving on, looking longingly at the pool, thinking we'll go to the library soon and kind of wanting to start this day over already or end it... these kids of mine... I think we all need to get out of the house BUT I find that I have very little to wear these days that I feel comfortable having on when I'm out and about in public.  Oh boy.  I just heard my four year old shout: "Shut Up!"  Clearly I am attempting to ignore them hoping that they'll miraculously fall back in love with each other and want to play like the little lovers I know they are.  ~ great-big-heavy-sigh ~

OK. Time to rally!  Gather camping menu, change into... SOMETHING appropriate for a public place, gather library books and movies for a return, head to library.  Hm. Walk or Bike?  Walk. Think ahead for lunch today... and (in the words of Dora) VAMANOS!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few of My Favorites

These are a few of my favorite things.

Braids. Eggs. Beds.

It's after midnight and I am STILL awake. This is neither my goal nor my desire and yet... here I am! So I figured I would write a bit. Eventually it will totally exhaust me and I will have to pee. I will waddle to the toilet, take care of business, wash my hands and then I'll go to bed. Sorry. A bit TMI, eh?

This evening after a late afternoon swim with my girls and showers for all three of us, we conjured on the couch in our jammies. The plan: comb out their hair, braid it and review some school work at the same time. Dinner? No plans. No thoughts toward dinner whatsoever. None. Can't we just have chips and pico de gallo again? I wasn't really sure what time my darling spouse would be home but I knew it would be later than the norm. We were nearly through the braiding of the hair and the home work review when hubby walked through the back door (that was weird). Thankfully my genius four year old decided she wanted to make dinner tonight: eggs and pancakes. GENIUS! And these are the exact moments that arise to give me reason to keep pancake mix in the pantry. It really is OK that I don't make EVERYthing from scratch. Hallelujah! She and I busied ourselves in the kitchen while Daddy finished home work review with the six year old. The four year old kept cracking eggs into the bowl so I kept chopping veggies to go with. We ended up making omelets (luckily I was the only one who ended up with egg shell in my mouth) and pancakes and were able to squeeze in a bike ride before bed for each of the girls. We even met our new neighbors tonight (she is expecting baby #1 in December - pretty cool!) before our bedtime book reading ritual. Nathan managed to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" while I managed to get three home work assignments done. And then we both did a bunch of other random things on the computer and.... here I still am. But guess what? I have to pee now and I think my eyes are officially burning which basically means: I'm exhausted!

Good Night.

Monday, June 14, 2010

25 Random Things

Have you ever seen those lists of 25 random things?  I compiled one of my own.

25.) I love hot creamy drinks. (think Chai Tea Latte; I also love the song with the same name)

24.) My favorite reality shows are Survivor & Top Chef.
23.) I love office supplies.
22.) I hate being cold.
21.) I love/cherish my sister & our relationship.
20.) Grilled veggies in the summer time: portabellas, eggplant, zucchini & red onions. BLISS!
19.) My friends call me “Mother Earth.”
18.) I love reading books to my kids when we’re cuddled up in my bed.
17.) I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina during college.
16.) I would go to the international airport for lunch so I could people watch and LISTEN.
15.) I recently had Swedish meatballs at IKEA & was surprised how well I liked them!
14.) I really enjoy playing my guitar and singing when no one else is around.
13.) My husband must have live plants in our home (I love that he has a green thumb).
12.) I look forward to Thanksgiving every year.
11.) My sister moved to China the beginning of 2009, I miss her!
10.) I am a fan of Wikipedia.
9.) I love black mascara.
8.) Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) has changed my life.
7.) I have been to Rome three times. LOVE it there.
6.) My kids are fun and funny and loud!
5.) My mother lives in Thailand.
4.) I love heirloom tomatoes.
3.) I have spent time in ten countries outside of the United States. (Is that all? Boo.)
2.) I love spending time with my husband. No one makes me laugh like he does.
1.) I love the Creator of the Universe & I love my life.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Choose to Believe the Truth.

So I'm rethinking the frown.  Yesterday's post was all about favorite things except for that frown.  Interestingly enough yesterday itself was not FULL of my favorite things.  I chose to pull some faves from the day to focus on some positive things.  Yesterday was a yucky sort of day in many ways.  I woke this morning hearing: "Choose to believe the TRUTH."  It's interesting when I choose to believe the un-truths.  I end up with yucky days.  Anyway, considering it was a yucky day full of un-truth believing, I am re-thinking the "favorite frown" bit from my post yesterday.  I think I WILL return to that store and simply share more smiles with the shop keeper and love on her with patience and kindness.  I choose to forget that she was mean to my kids.  Perhaps she was just having a yucky day too and perhaps she was choosing to believe some un-truths.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Favorite "fuh's" of the day

Favorite food moment of the day: cinnamon toast as brought to me in bed by my four year old. Toasted bread, a glop of butter in the center and a very large measure of cinnamon powder covering the butter only.  Not exactly tasty, but it was my favorite food moment so far today.

Favorite find of the day:  Eureka Tetragon 1610 tent  I haven't decided yet weather or not it will be the final tent we purchase, but so far I am leaning in that direction.  Most reviews are positive.

(Not-so) favorite frown of the day: shop keeper yelling at my daughters and glaring at me as we exited the store. Boo. I probably won't be spending any of my money there. Ever. Bummer.

Favorite phrase of the day so far: "Pure thigh-enlarging decadence" as penned by the lovely Brooke Fraser Ligertwood here in her latest blog post (about desserts!)  Delicious - on plural levels.  :)

Favorite photo of the day (so far): my treasures enjoying one of their favorite cuisines with me, the Mama

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Longest Day of My Life

My husband has been out of town for work the last few days.  The home dynamics are so different and interesting when he is not here.  I will say this, the kids go to bed earlier!  Today was a great day with my little treasures.  I am so glad to be able to write that.  It was interesting to me though, the day just dragged on and on and on... I'm not sure why!  We did so many different things today.  It was a very full day for all three of us going from one activity or project or diversion to the next.  We even cleaned up after each project (incredible) and managed to get a walk in, bike riding sessions, movies, grocery store, park time, a trip down town PLUS some homework (not to mention all the things we did at home)... it was one of the longest days of my life! (to use one of Nathan's favorite phrases)  And it's well after 1am and I am still awake which is totally ridiculous because the girls will be up soon I am sure... well, soon enough.  I am still not finished with the laundry, but it's time to quit that, move onto writing this blog (while listening to Jai Ho) and then shut my eyes.  And tomorrow (Saturday) is ALSO a full day because of the number of things I already have scheduled and the number of things I need to get accomplished before my husband and I head out of town on Sunday morning.  Wowza...
We are celebrating our anniversary thus the reason we're leaving. I am really looking forward to getting away with the man who loves me, who still makes me laugh and who works very hard to care for his family. I just love him! Todavia.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


a bit of a heavy ~ another friend of ours tried to kill herself...  I hate suicide.  I do understand it having  attempted to kill my own self when I was in college.  Like I said: a bit of a heavy.  It's what I'm thinking about right now and so I write...

Hope.  It does exist.  Ask me.

May encounters with HOPE be released in this planet.  Be released!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maya Jewel

I spent a good deal of time "chatting" with my brother and then my mother and my sister this evening.  They all live in Asia.  Sounds like my brother and his wife and daughter are heading back to the states for a few months.  There are several factors as to the reasons why.  My summation: political unrest coupled with his wife being pregnant in her third trimester.  Time to come home and have a baby.  So they'll be here SOON!  I am looking forward to seeing them, especially my niece!  What a doll!  I haven't told my girls yet but boy will they be happy!  Cousin time.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Break Time - a blog to clear my head

I'm currently sitting in my kitchen nook attempting to parent (from a distance while the girls run around in the living room) and do research/study for a class that I am teaching tomorrow night entitled: "The Deep."  I guess I'm taking a little break.  My mind is on sooo many things other than the DEEP...  this blog is about things on my mind right now.

According to DEEP (as a noun) is defined as:
the deep part of a body of water, esp. an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 ft. (5400 m); a vast extent, as of space or time; the part of greatest intensity, as of winter.

...the part of greatest intensity...  hmmm...
thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts...  BSSM homework; catching up to do; home school lesson plans to do (I am loving Confessions of a Homeschooler); financial paperwork for Mom to do; financial issues for my sister to do; readying ourselves for a trip to SF today for Ari's bday; teaching this Deep class tomorrow night; my anniversary plans (we're celebrating SEVEN years in a couple of weeks!); laundry; dishes; being pregnant; finding a name for newest family member; making lunch for the kids; other family issues; getting warm...  my toes are quite cold.

Other thoughts:
I like these recent pictures of us/me from Jorge & Hasina's wedding:

And other thoughts: I think I would like to make crepes (maybe for lunch with some spinach).  I just ran across a crepe recipe on some scratch paper that the girls and I were using to do some painting this morning.  It's from  The Pampered Chef Cooking for Two & More cookbook.  I have never made crepes before.  When I was in grade school I would sleep over at a friend's home.  One of the greatest expectations sleeping at her home was the inevitable crepes the following morning.  Her mom served them with peanut butter and Karo syrup.  I can hardly believe I ate that now that I think of it but MAN I loved them!
OK.  Enough for now... I need to get warm, do some laundry, make some lunch and get back to work.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sweet Baby Love

There's always more to say than I generally have time for... probably the reason posts are infrequent. I realize this has potential to change. I am that agent of change.

Currently my husband is downstairs making breakfast for a friend who will be arriving to shower forth congratulations. We haven't seen him for about a year. It will be good to see him.

Currently my first born child is at a friend's home. She slept over last night. A mark of growth.

Currently my second born is SLEEPING. A mark of the miraculous that is still VERY much alive and well in the earth today.

Currently my unborn child is moving around inutero. And is yet unnamed. We found out yesterday that this beautiful, healthy (very, perfectly healthy) unborn child is a girl.

It was quite a shock to my husband and to my first born. A tad disappointing perhaps? My second born was thrilled. Ecstatic. Joyful. Delighted. I am so very well pleased, of course.

I feel like I'm falling in love - again. It's such a beautiful feeling - so worth a post - to know I will have another daughter. My husband has launched into the world of baby name searching. We didn't have a single girl's name picked out. Not a single one. Unless you consider the one boy's name we had talked about liking that could also be a girl's name (and we DO like it for a girl's name). I'm all about names and their meanings. My other two girls were named via meaning first. The perfect, fabulous names came secondly.

So now... who is this little girl? What will she be like? What do I feel when I think of this little angel, this little treasure inside?

Maybe we ought to call her Love. Sweet Baby Love.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sweet Week

Ah. What a wonderful week and weekend that has just carried me with its passing. Sisters. Blessings. Father. God. Beauty. Music. Lunch dates. Divine. Connected. Cookies. Sisters. Rain. Sick husband - boo, powering through it - hurrah. Sweet things. Trader Joe's. Chatting. Talking. Listening. Music. Rain. Laughter. More laughter. Hot tea. New shoes! Friends. Tears. Laughter. Banana Bread! More laughter. Lists. Worship. Work. Frustrations. Elations. Happy. Sad. Mostly happy. More rain. Cold. More cold. Walks. Dead bird. Laughter. Miscommunication. Prayers. More Laughter. Music.

Candy & cupcakes & plastic & playdough. Grass. Rabbits. Goats. Roosters. Pig. Brief sun shine. Rain. Sons. Daughters. Neighbors. More neighbors. Music. More music. Death. Resurrection. Dye. Eggs and egg salad sandwiches. Daughters. Chipmunks. Hot tea. Loads upon loads of laundry. Sisters. Sighs. Smiles. Marriage. LOVE.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the Sun Shine In!

Absolutely enjoying this transition into spring.  The weather has been spotty - sunny one day, rainy the next, then cloudy, then rainy again, they sunshine... oh how I love it.  Sitting in my room this morning letting the sunlight flood the atmosphere, I am actually looking forward to setting our clocks forward an hour (you know the whole "Day Light Savings" thing we do).  Yes, we "lose" an hour.  But in the long run, oh-so-worth-it!  I am full of expectation (literally - ha!) for what is around the corner.  I am also feeling a little uncomfortable about it: the unknown, the uncertain.  That's OK though, because the Comforter is my friend and comforts me (how 'bout that).

oh anyway... just having a "man-I-love-the-sunshine!" moment and feeling the need to express it through writing.  Let the sun rise and let it shine!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Worth the Thirst

I guess I haven't mentioned it in my blog yet, so here goes: I'm pregnant. This is my third pregnancy. This blog entry is about my pregnancy so far.

I haven't written much of anything lately because I have been a very tired woman on the go. No. I correct myself: I have been a very exhausted woman on the go. I also don't really care to post if I haven't got a photo that I would like to attach. I like to read/look at blogs that have photos. So, mine ought to have photos for each post. OK. That was an aside. Back to the exhausted-woman-on-the-go thingy.

I'm just finishing my first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy). If you know anything about pregnancy, it's not uncommon for the pregnant woman to be exhausted during her first trimester. Possible causes: increased levels of progesterone; physical and emotional demands of pregnancy on her body; she is creating a placenta, making more blood and her heart is pumping faster. You can Google it if you need more info. I'm just saying, during the first trimester I'm pretty wiped out. It was like that with my other two pregnancies as well. More so with my first I guess. My sister told me that I would actually fall asleep at my desk (she used to work with me, so I guess she would know). I don't actually have any memories of that.

Anyway, we are nearing the end of this trimester and I'm really looking forward to getting some energy and "pep" back. The nausea is subsiding. It has plagued me daily for a good five weeks or so which really is not bad. Not bad at all. That too – the nausea bit – is another norm for pregnant women in their first trimester. "Morning sickness" tends to linger far past morning though. I experienced that too with my other pregnancies. It was never horrible though. Thank GOD! I know a lot of women who experience the whole vomiting aspect of it and I envy them not. I did have a spell over the toilet a few days ago. Ever since then I have actually been feeling really good in the nausea department.

But here is the new thing. I really don't remember experiencing this with either of my last two pregnancies: I am so flipping thirsty. I am drinking so much water right now that my gut is expanding toward month five. OK. I realize that probably didn't make much sense. What I mean is this, I'm drinking so much water, that my stomach is so full it looks as if I'm five months pregnant. No joke. It's weird and kind of gross at the same time. And I am FULL but still sooooo thirsty. So I have to drink more in order to quench the thirst but MAN alive! I look like I'm about to pop! So I should confess that while I currently look as though I’m about to pop, most of the time I do not. I am still thirsty though. Today my mid-wife told me that I could easily drink 3-4 liters daily. Holy. Moly. LITERS?

Regardless of how much I drink though, I tell you what: I am thirsty. Thirst has been my companion. She usually comes around in the evening (perhaps to tell me how much I haven’t been drinking during the day?) and follows me around till bed time. I then am up SEVERAL times every night visiting the toilet to relieve my bladder. It’s quite the cycle these days. I had forgotten how frequently a pregnant woman must rise each night just to go to the toilet. Honestly I don’t remember having to do it this frequently during the first trimester though. I don’t remember ever being so thirsty either!

Ah well. New life is worth the thirst, eh?

Monday, February 15, 2010

About This Time Next Year

We did it. We moved. ~ great big lovely sigh of relief ~

I'm sitting in the "breakfast nook" enjoying some coffee and cinnamon loaf (thank you Trader Joe's) and going through some emails. I haven't been on my computer in days. Kinda feels nice. I need to get some reading done. I need to get the boxes unpacked. I need to buy an island with a butcher block. Never a shortage of things to be done! Ha. Always plenty to do. The girls are really enjoying the space and all of the nooks and crannies. It's wonderful.

I woke up yesterday morning in a new, unfamiliar place. It was quiet. It was bliss. Another fresh start is upon us. It was quite odd not really being able to host gatherings for a year. I think we tallied a total of four gatherings at our place last year. That’s ridiculous! We are get together type people! Oh but it really was priceless the amount of time we spent together just as a family. It was one of the best years of our lives so far. It was an incredible year for our marriage. It was a great year for me growing as a woman, a wife, a mother, a teacher, and so on... I wouldn’t trade that year.

It’s a new year now though and with it, a new living situation. Oh Happy Day! What will life look like next year about this time…?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Release to Catch.

This evening I am tired.  I am writing only for the release right now.  I am physically tired but more than that.  I glance up from my screen to see the living room stacked ceiling high with boxes.  I'm glad they're all packed.  I'm actually REALLY happy that they're packed.  It means they don't still need to be packed.

I wonder why I feel overwhelmed sometimes when I think of all that needs to be done.  Can't I just hire someone else to DO all the stuff that needs to be DONE so that I can live LIFE?  I'm smiling at myself.  I'm smiling at the question asked.  Smiling for different reasons...

If I were to look back at the series of posts related to this topic, what would my conclusion be? I wonder.  Like I said, just writing for the release.  I have to DO some more things before I head to bed tonight.  I want to BE.  In Him I live, I move, I have my being...

It's almost like catch and release.  Almost.

Release to catch.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Rain coming down.  Wind blowing.  Sleep evading.  Boxes multiplying.  Peace.  Joy comes in the morning.  Blessed are the hungry and the thirsty.  Deep calling to deep.  My soul cries.  A longing.  More.  A drink for me has become a river out of me.  Come up higher.  2010.  Higher this year.  Songs of deliverance.  New songs.  Grace.  More grace.  Spring up O' well!
It's a beautiful day.  Life has been put into perspective for me this morning.  I am grateful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Packing. Moving. Pregnant?

Getting into the groove of moving.  I will NOT be overwhelmed.  I will NOT be overwhelmed.  I will NOT be overwhelmed...

Starting the process of mapping out these last four weeks or so till we move.  Excited.  Nervous.  NOT overwhelmed.  Not at all.

I'm sure I'll post more about the move and all that is being processed.  In the mean time and on a completely different note, I keep wondering if I'm pregnant, even though two pregnancy tests have shown otherwise...

I chuckle.  At myself.  Alright.  Got to get onto something productive along the lines of PACKING!  Yahoo!

I Love Calendars

One of my favorite sites:

Free Printable Calendars - Download monthly and yearly calendars in PDF format.

Hope you get some use out of it!
